StarCraft 2 Aiur Infested 2024 download
starcraft 2 mod Aiur Infested

Aiur Infested

Game Version: -
Total Downloads: 430
Updated: Feb 16, 2011
Created: Feb 16, 2011

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Aiur Infested release 521.18 KB Feb 16, 2011 - 430 download Aiur Infested Aiur Infested releaseDownload


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The enormous map features eight bases, four at the top and four at the bottom. Wide gateways into the bases are difficult to defend or block off. Expansions are toward the middle and exposed. The Overmind sits in the center. If he is killed, the spine crawlers on the innermost expansions will die with him. The orange mineral expansions are blocked by fleet beacons. When the first beacon is destroyed, Tassadar will arrive on the map. He makes a line for the Overmind to destroy it, attacking anyone in his way.


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