StarCraft 2 BomhabEvolves! 2025 download
starcraft 2 mod BomhabEvolves!


Game Version: -
Total Downloads: 388
Updated: May 12, 2010
Created: May 12, 2010

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
BomhabEvolves! beta 264.80 KB May 12, 2010 - 388 download BomhabEvolves! BomhabEvolves! betaDownload



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I've gone and made an Evolves map in order to better familiarize myself with the galaxy editor. I think what I've churned out so far is a good base to an evolves map. I've managed to make the auto-send area as well as 10 different levels. So far I haven't done too much tweaking to the particular units and the game is not balanced much but it's a good start. I've added some terrain in the middle to kind of spice things up and was thinking of adding some sort of carrot on both the left and right side to entice players to get away from their home base.

Things done:
Supports up to 6 players
11 levels
auto-send army
decent leaderboard

To do:
More levels
Terrain modifications
Cleaner trigger coding (I'm learning new stuff every day)
Figure out how to not spawn bunkers when there isn't a player to fill the spot


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