StarCraft 2 Moons of Shakuras: An Antioch Chronicle 2025 download
starcraft 2 mod Moons of Shakuras: An Antioch Chronicle

Moons of Shakuras: An Antioch Chronicle

Game Version: -
Total Downloads: 31
Updated: May 29, 2019
Created: May 29, 2019

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Moons of Shakuras Teaser Trailer release 49.36 MB May 29, 2019 - 31 download Moons of Shakuras: An Antioch Chronicle Moons of Shakuras Teaser Trailer releaseDownload



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Moons of Shakuras: An Antioch Chronicle

Moons of Shakuras

Team Antioch is proud to announce our newest project, Moons of Shakuras. Set some time after the events of Legacy of the Void, Moons of Shakuras follows Moloch and Haley Rourke. Still in self-imposed exile, the duo has spent the time since Thoughts in Chaos traveling the outskirts of the Koprulu sector, settling on various planets as they see fit. 

We join their story on one such planet, as their calm life and easy friendship are disrupted by a single, brutal attack. Joined by a new cast of characters aboard the Scylla, an independent vessel, Haley and Moloch will embark on a quest to discover the source and motive of the attack. Their journey will take them far: from the seedy underbelly of Terran organized crime families to the edges of of known space.

The Campaign

Moons of Shakuras takes place over three map packs, each consisting of three maps. The campaign is fully voice-acted, with many members of the Thoughts in Chaos cast returning to reprise their roles and many new members joining the team. Moons of Shakuras also features cutscenes created in the cinematic editor.

We hope to release the first map pack in 2019, with the others coming as we finish them.

Team Antioch









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