StarCraft 2 Queen Macro Trainer 2025 download
starcraft 2 mod Queen Macro Trainer

Queen Macro Trainer

Game Version: -
Total Downloads: 4,731
Updated: Jun 14, 2010
Created: Jun 13, 2010

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Queen Macro Training Map v1.2 release 31.57 KB Jun 14, 2010 - 4,253 download Queen Macro Trainer Queen Macro Training Map v1.2 releaseDownload
Map Layout release 263.71 KB Jun 14, 2010 - 236 download Queen Macro Trainer Map Layout releaseDownload
Queen Macro Training Map v.1.1 release 31.78 KB Jun 13, 2010 - 242 download Queen Macro Trainer Queen Macro Training Map v.1.1 releaseDownload


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This is a macro training map for zerg players to develop timing sense with regard to larva spawn, queen energy, and creep tumor cooldown.
Queens will slowly lose health while you have over 3 larva, over 25 energy, or creep tumors waiting to be spread.

Drones are killed as they spawn, refunding the minerals. This retains the focus on timing over micro.

Use zerglings to kill enemy changelings to boost APM and focus on macro timing rather than macro spam.

"-ghost" in chat without quotes will spawn ghosts to EMP your queens, complicating timing and increasing APM load if you use zerglings
"-nghost" in chat turns off ghost spawn
"-hight" in chat will spawn High Templar to Feedback your queens, complicating timing and increasing APM load if you use zerglings
"-nhight" in chat turns off high templar spawn
"-speed" will give your zerglings speed
"-nspeed" will remove zergling speed
"-hatch3" creates a third hatchery to manage
"-hatch4" creates a fourth hatchery to manage

This map is adapted from the micro training maps of qxc. Big thanks to him and all the other teamliquid guys for making this community so awesome.


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