StarCraft 2 Starcraft Big Brawl (With special guest!) 2025 download
starcraft 2 mod Starcraft Big Brawl (With special guest!)

Starcraft Big Brawl (With special guest!)

Game Version: -
Total Downloads: 2,200
Updated: May 24, 2010
Created: May 24, 2010

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Starcraft Big Brawl (With special guest!) release 1.34 MB May 24, 2010 - 2,200 download Starcraft Big Brawl (With special guest!) Starcraft Big Brawl (With special guest!) releaseDownload



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This is a melee map where you play as the Zerg. You, the Tal'darim, (Protoss) the UED and the Dominion all duke it out for dominance in a crowded temple on Aiur! The other players are allied against you, but you have some help in the form of special guest Larry the Hydralisk! If your base is under attack, he can save the day, and will also help you reduce the other three players to rubble! (You can't miss him: he's a big Hydralisk.)


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