StarCraft 2 Tactics Versus 2025 download
starcraft 2 mod Tactics Versus

Tactics Versus

Game Version: -
Total Downloads: 582
Updated: Aug 30, 2011
Created: Aug 30, 2011

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Master Commander 1.0 release 707.43 KB Aug 30, 2011 - 582 download Tactics Versus Master Commander 1.0 releaseDownload


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Tactics Versus is a 1v1 turn-based strategy game in which each player commands a group of rpg-archetype unit classes to out-strategize and eliminate his opponent. It has a variety of modes: 1v1, 1vAI, 2v2, Co-Op v AI, AI 2v2 Co-Op, and AI vs AI.

Introduction Video


When the game begins, players can challenge each other through the multiple game modes. Players can currently choose 5 out of 14 playable classes per battle, and either a Nexus or Hive base.

The pace is governed by a turn system which picks a unit to be activated for a turn 1 by 1. During each turn, a unit can move on the battlefield according to its move stat and can perform 1-3 actions. Each class currently has at least 6 abilities to choose from (eventually each will have at least 8). When a player ends his turn, the system moves on to the next unit on the turn list, which is continuously updated on the top left of the screen.

Turn durations in a match currently range from 20-40 seconds or Infinite. To incentivize faster turns, each player has Reserved Time that builds up whenever the player ends his/her turn early. If a turn is ended early enough, a fraction of the remaining time is saved into Reserved Time for later use when a player may need to put more thought into the moves he/she is about to make.

Throughout a battle, players will gain minerals at their headquarters. Minerals can be used for stronger than normal class abilities usually bound to the G hotkey or on abilities activated at the chosen headquarter, either Hive or Nexus. Some HQ abilities can be used at any time, while others can only be used when the player controls the active unit.


The goal with the map is for it to be a new type of game that can be nice and relaxed or intense and competitive. It has been designed with a good amount of depth to its gameplay (so I have been told) and is tailored to appeal to both casual and hardcore gamers alike. It focuses on intelligent tactical decision-making, with a quick thinking element introduced with faster turn durations. Although there is always more balance work to do, it is currently very well balanced.

Tactics Versus has been fully released on the North American server. If successful, uploads onto other regional servers will follow. It will be continuously updated for balancing, improved animations, improved terrain, new abilities, new classes (eventually 25+), new battlefields (eventually 6+), and other miscellaneous features.



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