StarCraft 2 The Phantom vSC2 2025 download
starcraft 2 mod The Phantom vSC2

The Phantom vSC2

Game Version: -
Total Downloads: 703
Updated: May 22, 2010
Created: May 22, 2010

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
The Phantom vSC2 ALPHA release 972.33 KB May 22, 2010 - 563 download The Phantom vSC2 The Phantom vSC2 ALPHA releaseDownload
The Phantom vSC2 ALPHA alpha 3.51 MB May 25, 2010 - 140 download The Phantom vSC2 The Phantom vSC2 ALPHA alphaDownload


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A remake of the original phantom for SC1 using the same map, ported over with the Galaxy Editor and re-textured by moi. One random player is selected and is given extra resources periodically. His job is to kill all the other players without being killed himself. The other players are supposed to figure out who the phantom really is and kill him before they get killed. It fits the saying on the back of StarCraft Vanilla's case: "The only allies are enemies."


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