StarCraft 2 Wall of Fire/Circle of Fire Abilities 2025 download
starcraft 2 mod Wall of Fire/Circle of Fire Abilities

Wall of Fire/Circle of Fire Abilities

Game Version: -
Total Downloads: 354
Updated: Feb 1, 2012
Created: Feb 1, 2012

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Fire Wall & Circle release 22.13 KB Feb 1, 2012 - 354 download Wall of Fire/Circle of Fire Abilities Fire Wall & Circle releaseDownload


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Wall of Fire & Circle of Fire

Two abilities I made for my map, which have gotten a little bit of attention. I figured I would open it up and let others use them.

Wall of fire

Wall of Fire

Creates a passable wall of flame, based on the angle the caster is facing; damaging any units who touch it.

Circle of Fire

Creates an impassable circle of flame around a point, dealing damage to units that touch the flame.

How it Works

Not everyone is trigger/data savvy (including me) so here is a quick explanation of how this works:

I have 2 dummy units, 1 of them have a movement area and collides with ground objects; but cannot be moved. This is the dummy who blocks pathing. the other has no collosion or area; anything can pass by him. I gave their actors the "Flame Medium" model. You can change this to anything to suit your needs. In my normal map, the circle is actually jagged rocks.

the dummy units have 2 behaviors. The first is the one that causes damage. It is a periodically (1 second) checks an area of 1.5 around the unit (each flame ball) and deals the damage from Fire Wall Damage to enemy units. Simple, but does it's job. The other is a timed life behavior. when the timed life (starting at 8) reaches 0, the unit dies.

Everything is labeled with the prefix "Dummy -" and has "Fire Wall" in it; so it is easy to find everything I used, if you want to alter it; or track how I did it.

Feel Free to Edit This

Not everyone likes fire, and not everyone wants what I have here. The base behaviors are pretty simple and easy to change. the triggering isn't too tricky, but not something a lot of people think about.

*Please include me in some tiny credit somewhere if you use this in a published map.


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