StarCraft 2 WW2 Shatttered Europe Eco 2025 download
starcraft 2 mod WW2 Shatttered Europe Eco

WW2 Shatttered Europe Eco

Game Version: -
Total Downloads: 215
Updated: Jun 27, 2016
Created: Jun 27, 2016

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
WW 2 screenshot release 176.80 KB Jun 27, 2016 - 142 download WW2 Shatttered Europe Eco WW 2 screenshot releaseDownload
WW2ShatteredEurope5.3Eco1.SC2Map beta 14.84 MB Jun 27, 2016 - 73 download WW2 Shatttered Europe Eco WW2ShatteredEurope5.3Eco1.SC2Map betaDownload


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it is an edition of WW2 Shatttered Europe 5.3

Global economical and warfare map
goal of country is to capture other countries
which is impossible without building economy and researches

Purpose of the map is the same create map about World War 2 with priorities from top to bottom(higher – lower)
1) dynamic (most of strategies are available from start)
2) balanced
effective price/dmg/health units has bigger tech cost to research
3) realistic
(historical events/units should be close to real ones during WW2)
4) no micro
Map is global. Too many details make its unplayable.
Units should not require manual control every second.

Map includes features:
1) diplomacy dynamic: ally/war/neutral
2) economics
3) research tree
4) warfare
5) countries unique features mentioned above (1-4)

1) city
2) industry
3) university
4) supply depot
5) industry
6) industrial centre
1) barracks
2) war factory
3) airport
4) shipyard
5) spy centre

2) armored vehicles
3) tank chassis based vehicles
4) aircraft
5) naval

current changes:
manpower canceled
supply depot is only limit exists for units
money income
city 1-3 lvl : 2 (was 1/2)  per 20 sec
city 4-5 lvl : 4 (was 4/6/8)  per 20 sec
industry income : 6/12/18/24 (unchanged) per 15/20 sec
tech income – per 60 sec
city any lvl: none
university : 3
rocket infantry
AT rocket weapon
attack period : 4 (was 3.8)

Technology Rockets
tech cost: 650 (was 400)

Further updates :
1) vehicles specialized vs different infantry (for example flamethrower)
2) air get recon aircraft
3) tanks get splash dmg
4) artillery gets increased splash radius

Thx for your time


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