StarCraft 2 Zerg Rally 2666 2025 download
starcraft 2 mod Zerg Rally 2666

Zerg Rally 2666

Game Version: -
Total Downloads: 631
Updated: May 8, 2010
Created: May 8, 2010

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Zerg Rally 2666 release 181.01 KB May 8, 2010 - 631 download Zerg Rally 2666 Zerg Rally 2666 releaseDownload



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Zerg Title

The year is 2666. A deadly sport has emerged in space – the zerg rally. As the driver of one of the rally cars, use your abilities to kill as many zerg as possible in 5 minutes.

This is a short little game of mine that I made while learning the ins and outs of the map editor. You control a car in a small arena which you use to run over rapidly spawning zerg. Each type of zerg is worth a certain amount of points. You have 5 minutes total to amass as many points as possible.

There are some perils that begin to appear on the map. Infestors will try and snare you to the ground, hordes of banelings will attempt to destroy you and spine crawlers will dig themselves in. Of course, you have a few abilities at your disposal.

Speed Boost: Pressing space bar doubles your movement speed. It also drains your power by 1 per tick.

Shield: Pressing CTRL makes you immune to damage and drains your power by 2 per tick. Very useful against banelings!

In addition, there are a few randomly spawning powerups for you to use.


Green Beacon – Increases base speed

Blue Beacon – x2 points for 20 seconds

Red Beacon – Full health and power

Zerg Rally 1

Zerg Rally 2

Zerg Rally 3


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