StarCraft 2 Empty Biodomes 2025 download
starcraft 2 mod Empty Biodomes

Empty Biodomes

Game Version: -
Total Downloads: 264
Updated: Jul 17, 2012
Created: Jul 17, 2012

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Empty Biodomes v1.0 release 83.42 KB Jul 17, 2012 - 264 download Empty Biodomes Empty Biodomes v1.0 releaseDownload



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This was something I wanted for terraining and thought it would be useful for others – a biodome you could see inside of but which wasn't full of water or gas or whatever. I took the water biodome and removed the water, then took the struts from two of the biodome varients to give some variety.

Please feel free to use in your maps. A credit is always nice 🙂

I may make some more variations including one with no floor if people would like.


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