StarCraft 2 Higher Ground 2025 download
starcraft 2 mod Higher Ground

Higher Ground

Game Version: -
Total Downloads: 805
Updated: Jul 9, 2010
Created: Jul 9, 2010

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Higher Ground release 1.23 MB Jul 9, 2010 - 805 download Higher Ground Higher Ground releaseDownload



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This is a remake of the third mission in the Protoss campaign of SC1. Like the original, it's a good old kill-everything-on-the-map scenario. There are two Zerg bases, the while and the red. As in the original, the white base is in the upper right corner of the map, surrounded by a stone wall and dozens of sporecrawlers, so an air attack is suicide. The red base is to the southwest of white and is heavily defended by spinecrawlers, but only two spores in the whole base, so an air attack is the best way to go. There is also a high-yield expansion near the red base. Aside from the terrain, the only differences in this map are that the transmission comes after beating one base, not both, and there is no cutscene showing Fenix's humiliatiing psi-blade malfunction.


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