The best StarCraft 2 maps, assets 2025 for Tilesets


PLEASE NOTE: I no longer have the time to support these assets. I cannot make adjustments...
download Ghostnova’s ModsDownload
BEHOLD! The first Diablo III tileset! This tileset features selected textures from New Tristram in Diablo...
download Tristram Tileset [Diablo III]Download
Here's a planet package I made to answer this particular request: It contains 76 planets,...
download Planet Package!Download
This is a terrain of Europe, use it as you please but please attribute the terrain...
download Europe 256×256Download
Various themed sets of textures for use in StarCraft 2 custom maps. Included: Cobblestone 3 types...
download Various TilesetsDownload
Currently working on SC2 new race: Cynteor – a robotic civilization recently arrived in koprulu sector....
download Custom Models & Textures by RC131-Scythelisk#587Download
Just an update from this asset. I just wanted to have Dark Terran buildings/effects/portraits/models so I...
download Dark Terran UpdateDownload
Shadowmoon Valley Tileset from WoW: Burning Crusade! Themes: Burning Legion, Black Temple, Green Lava (as custom...
download Shadowmoon Valley TilesetDownload
Decided to make a World Map. Will add water, doodads, and level out the terrains. Left...
download World Map (TimeZone)Download
A custom red-rock themed desert-like tileset.
download Zion TilesetDownload