StarCraft 2 smash and grab zerg vs terran 2024 download
starcraft 2 mod smash and grab zerg vs terran

smash and grab zerg vs terran

Game Version: -
Total Downloads: 561
Updated: Dec 6, 2012
Created: Dec 6, 2012

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Smash and Grab Zerg vs Terran release 3.86 MB Dec 6, 2012 - 561 download smash and grab zerg vs terran Smash and Grab Zerg vs Terran releaseDownload



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Smash and Grab Zerg vs Terran

What is it?

Is a remake of classic "Smash and Grab" Campaign of Wings of Liberty, but now you are versus one player and one AI.

What should I do to win?

You must reach the artifact before your opponent!

There are some extra units?

Yes, There are mercenaries, Jim Raynor and 2 unyt-type for Player Zerg and some other campaign units..


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