StarCraft 2 The Vast Inferno 2025 download
starcraft 2 mod The Vast Inferno

The Vast Inferno

Game Version: -
Total Downloads: 483
Updated: Aug 4, 2010
Created: Aug 4, 2010

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tvi release 655.12 KB Aug 4, 2010 - 483 download The Vast Inferno tvi releaseDownload



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The Vast Inferno
4-player 1on1 (perhaps even 2on2 top vs bot) map.
Playable 136 x 144
Full 144 x 152
Start on the low ground. Expand to the middle level. Fight for the high ground. Flank from the depths of the center. LOS Blockers are plentiful so careful scouting is required. Don't get proxy'd now.
Two islands contain 6 gold and one gas along with three towers to keep a look out for pesky drops. You might even be able to spy on a foolish neighbor.
High ground contains 4 standard expos. Pick a 3rd, any third!
The Center contains very unique terrain that will allow for fast flanking opportunity if one has the vision to do so.
Natural has two ramps leading downward so any neighbor can give you a fast friendly greeting.
The high ground is split into sections and is lined by LOS blockers. I need to replace the current ones for one that are more theme fitting but placing all those will take days, months, perhaps years.
Besides all that the lava theme is awesome but doesn't get in the way of game play and there are things that the pictures can't show off.

Map Overview (without some blockers and other stuff):

Center with LOS Blockers

Close up of a natural, 3rd choice, and an island

Map is published to B-net NA and has some additional LOS blockers.


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