StarCraft 2 Ash to Ash Überlisk (3v3, FFA) 2025 download
starcraft 2 mod Ash to Ash Überlisk (3v3, FFA)

Ash to Ash Überlisk (3v3, FFA)

Game Version: -
Total Downloads: 663
Updated: Oct 17, 2010
Created: Oct 17, 2010

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Ash_to_Ash_Uberlisk_Beta_v1.0 release 1.69 MB Oct 17, 2010 - 663 download Ash to Ash Überlisk (3v3, FFA) Ash_to_Ash_Uberlisk_Beta_v1.0 releaseDownload



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Ash to Ash Überlsik (3v3, FFA) overview

On a blood stained, half broken, sign, big red words give a clear message to those who dare enter… "BEWARE OF ÜBERLISK!!!"

A simple 3v3/FFA map with a twist! In the center of the map there's an angry Überlisk strolling around a big circular area that divides two bases from eachother. In order to get to the other side you must either outmanouver, fly over or kill the Überlsik, which ain't as easy as you might think! And don't think that stealthed units will help either!

NOTE: The map is already published on the EU server! So if you play on the EU server, search for the map instead of downloading it! If you play on any other server however, i ask you to please check aswell if it isn't already uploaded! If the map is not uploaded on your server, then you have my permission to upload it there.
Size matters...
Currently in beta! Still needs editing and testing. Right now the Überlisk does not explode when it dies and have no abilities, but it will be added! The visual look of the map is also far from over, but it is atleast playable!

I would appriciate if you could test this map and send me feedback to my email:, or just comment here or at the forum or pm me, or just add me on Starcraft 2!


Map Author: Jolleboi
AtAÜ Scenery01
The Überlisk
AtAÜ plenty of minerals


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