StarCraft 2 Thunderdome 2025 download
starcraft 2 mod Thunderdome


Game Version: -
Total Downloads: 860
Updated: Apr 30, 2010
Created: Apr 30, 2010

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Thunderdome v1 beta 1.48 MB Apr 30, 2010 - 860 download Thunderdome Thunderdome v1 betaDownload


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I tried to create a 16-player FFA map, but unfortunately one player needs to be neutral. So, I created a 15-player map.

The goal of my design was to encourage aggression to weed out the weak players quickly. The map is designed so that every player must compete with his neighbors for expansions while working towards the rich mineral fields in the middle of the map. Weak destructible rocks between players allow players a little bit of breathing room, but they will need to break them down to soon if they want to expand.

To prevent a player from getting an advantage due to any missing players, mains that are not occupied at the start of the map are destroyed.


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