The best StarCraft 2 maps, assets 2025 for Galaxy Scripts

Galaxy Scripts

– GAx3 Patch 2 has been published! Current build: Patch 1 note is here:
download GAx3 – StarCraft II Editor Enchant ModDownload
The program is now only released on my ftp server – see the thread linked below....
download Galaxy++ editor by BeierDownload
This project's goal is to bring roleplaying maps to Starcraft 2, in a similar fashion to...
download Cortex Roleplaying libraryDownload
So I've been working on a map (undead assault 3, if you've heard of it) and...
download composure’s Asset CollectionDownload
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download WaypointSystemDownload
Several functions that helps debugging. string BoolToString (bool b); string FixedToString (fixed f, int precision); string...
download Debug UtilitiesDownload
Boss Bars Plus Current Version: Beta 04c Status: Hotfixed (Patch 1.5), Pending feedback on stability Latest...
download [Library] Boss Bars AdvancedDownload
Hash Lib 2.0.1 This is an library to use hash functions with triggers in Starcraft 2...
download Hash LibDownload
N's Talent System Forum Thread with demo map Description Talent system for RPGs etc. Features Easy...
download [lib] N’s Talent SystemDownload
// Basic int round(fixed f); int floor(fixed f); int ceil(fixed f); bool isInt(fixed f); fixed mod(fixed...
download Basic Mathematic FunctionsDownload