The best StarCraft 2 maps, assets 2025 for Library


BEHOLD! The first Diablo III tileset! This tileset features selected textures from New Tristram in Diablo...
download Tristram Tileset [Diablo III]Download
This project hasn't been updated in a long while. Check this location for a more up...
download Dialog based InventoryDownload
getResolution v1.20 About This library obtains the player's resolution, UI resolution, and scale value with a...
download getResolutionDownload
You can now change the UI using SC2Layout files Tutorial wiki Use the "Create Dialog Item...
download Dialog Item TemplatesDownload
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download WaypointSystemDownload
[LiB] Tower Defence is a Library for all the basic Tower Defence triggers. It will have...
download [LiB]Tower DefenceDownload
In this mod, we collected a part of effects models which we created for our current...
download Delphinium and NanaKey’s ModelsDownload
Concept The concept of this library is to assist the mapmaker for manage dialog and dialog...
download Assisted Dialogs LibraryDownload
Boss Bars Plus Current Version: Beta 04c Status: Hotfixed (Patch 1.5), Pending feedback on stability Latest...
download [Library] Boss Bars AdvancedDownload
Hash Lib 2.0.1 This is an library to use hash functions with triggers in Starcraft 2...
download Hash LibDownload